Sunday 17 February 2013

Walking stick use

I have always regarded a walking stick as a tool for the very elderly or for a particular sort of annoying walker.
 But - I am on a holiday with nice walks. Walks that are very up and then very down and not the usual perambulations that me and my pensioner knees are used to.
My knees don't much like up or down. When I was at school my knees took a similar dislike. I informed the authorities who had both legs encased in plaster for many months, thus destroying my chances of being captain of junior tennis and causing me to change course and start a life as an academic. I didn't resent the physical stuff that I missed out on, reckoning that life was long and it would all get done sometime later when the knees or whatever else were ok.
Now in that last section of life, I realise that sore knees or sore anything else, can no longer be reason to avoid doing  things, because the sore knees are not going to get better. The poor old body is wearing out and all the sore bits are just going to get sorer.
Someone this week suggested that for these steep walks, I try using a walking stick. Me use a stick! Oh dear, it is but one removed from a zimmer. But I decided to try. To my surprise, I am a complete convert. Wow - what a huge difference. It is like having a third leg. It improves balance and reduces pain.
I highly recommend one to all, but it must be a proper adjustable walking stick with a non slippy end and it must be used properly. Short to go up hill and long to go downhill.

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