Thursday 27 February 2014

An Explanation of what is going on in Scotland

This is an answer to my friend in Switzerland who wrote this -
“Please take a minute to explain to me what all this Scottish political problem is and on what side of the divide are sensible people?
 From here it all sounds absurd...."

England and Scotland were originally two quite different countries/nations.
For many years they were sometimes friends and sometimes enemies – a bit like siblings, with England as big brother and Scotland the smaller less significant, younger one.
Sometimes they had different religions - when one was Catholic and the other Protestant (Church of England/ Presbyterian) – a constant source of argument and fighting.
The Scots always had a close relationship with France, whereas the English had the reverse.
The 2 countries had a different monarchy a different legal systems and a different culture.
For many years they squabbled at the border.

Then – in 1290 Scotland was left with no heir to its throne.
Seeing an opportunity, England went for it - and tried to take over Scotland in 1296.
This did not go down well and was the start of the Wars of Independence and William Wallace and Robert the Bruce and all that.
The film Braveheart was all about this - very Hollywood and historically inaccurate, but sadly – it whipped up nationalist, anti-English feelings here in Scotland

In 1314 at the Battle of Bannockburn - the Scots won
And in 1320 The Declaration of Arbroath was signed in which it was stated that Scotland should remain free from English Domination. This was the end of the Wars of Independence.

It is now 2014 - exactly 700 years from that famous Battle of Bannockburn and the Nationalist SNP party at present in power in Scotland have decided that this is the best year for this big vote - the vote to decide on whether Scotland should again become an independent country.

So why did Scotland ever unite with England?

Well it started when both countries ended up having the same monarch in 1603
The famous Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded by her nice cousin Queen Elizabeth of England.
The only one of the 2 queens to have a child was Mary. She had a son – James- and he became King of both countries.

However there were still lots of problems, mainly to do with religion until - The Treaty of Union was finally signed by The Scottish Parliament in 1706
Not only was this a decision made freely by the Scottish people but they were begging for it.
Scotland was in huge economic trouble – a bit like this last financial crash.
Scotland needed to be financially bailed out because it had invested heavily in the catastrophic Darien Scheme (setting up a colony at The Isthmus of Panama to hopefully reap the benefit of trade with the East) which bankrupted the country and most of its wealthy citizens.

So the two countries united and both thrived as a result
The British Empire started and Britain became Great and so did Scotland as part of it
There were no complaints

Until -

The end of The British Empire, North Sea Oil and Maggie Thatcher

Once Britain stopped being Great – after the two World wars – it began sliding backwards. Things stayed good in London and the southern area around it, but the further you got from London, the worse it became. The post industrial age had arrived and all the old areas of heavy industry (in the middle and north of England and the central belt and Glasgow in Scotland) -began to die. Unemployment breeds unhappiness and discontent.

In Scotland a feeling began to grow that no-one in parliament, in London, in England knew or cared about what happened in Scotland

Then oil was discovered - in Scottish waters.  The Scots began to wonder whether they could survive without England - because this North Sea oil was theirs.

Then Maggie Thatcher became Prime Minister. To many Scots it seemed as if she did not care about Scotland.
 I do not agree with this as my father was standing as a conservative MP candidate, when he was killed in a car crash on his way home from a political meeting. My parents knew her, she visited them in Scotland, and she did care about Scotland - as did my father.
However the great mistake she made was to introduce the very unpopular Poll Tax in Scotland well before doing so in England. It was as if she was using Scotland to test it.

The Scots will forever hate her and her Conservative Party because of this. The Scots see the Conservative Party as representing everything they hate most – the English, landowning, upper-class.

There is a weird class system thing going on here. Most of the estates in Scotland, until relatively recently were owned by aristocratic people whose speech sounded English. The same was true in England.
The Duke of Westminster, Duke of Devonshire, The Duke of Sutherland, The Earl of Dalkeith, Marquess of Lothian, Lord Lovat etc etc.
They sound English when they talk because that is the way that toffs talk - whether they are English or Scottish.
Your average Scottish man in the street does not realise this. If they hear an English accent they assume the person is English

The UK used to have a dreadful “old school” network thing, whereby people got jobs because of where they went to school and their network of friends. If you went to an expensive posh school then inevitably you would develop a posh accent (English) even if you didn’t start with one. You got access to the posh club and your posh accent was your entry pass.

I think, even now, there is some discrimination in the jobs market against those with local accents in England and in Scotland.
In Scotland this – quite rightly - has fed a feeling of discrimination. Why should a man with – what sounds like an English accent – get a job/promotion in Scotland in favour of another equally good applicant with a Scottish accent?
Why should someone with an English (toff) accent in Scotland act superior to someone with a Scottish accent?
Any resentment is legitimate and understandable.

To give an example – A young man I know, from a solid middle class background went to his local government state school and did well. He got a place at St Andrews University (later attended by Prince William). On his first night there, at dinner in his hall of residence, a game was instigated by a student with a loud braying posh English accent. Everyone had to stand up in turn and say where they had been to school. When it got to my young friend he stood up, and in his beautiful soft Scottish accent, he named his school. They pretended not to understand him, and he was asked several times to repeat it - with much laughter each time at the strange way he spoke. He was being bullied for having a Scottish accent - in Scotland - by a crowd of superior bullies with English accents.
I don’t know this young man’s opinion now on independence, but he will not be able to vote because he works in England. (Only those living in Scotland can vote)
There are never enough jobs for graduates in Scotland and many have to go South for work.

But there is a bloodless revolution going on.
Lord Lovat – chieftain of the mighty Clan Fraser, who led the brave commandos, with the pipes playing, into battle on D-Day - was Scotland’s most loved war hero.
His daughter Tessa stood for parliament in the area where her family were from. Previously it would have been a foregone conclusion, but she lost. People no longer liked how she talked or what she stood for.
In the last 20 to 30 years it has all changed.

Now – in Scotland - you do not dare open your mouth in public if you have an English accent.
No-one in the Scottish parliament has an English Accent – they would not get voted in.

BBC Scotland news programmes and debates are all reported with a Scottish accent.
The only people, who stand any chance of being listened to in the current independence debate, must have a strong Scottish accent – preferably central belt or Glasgow.

So it raises the question in my mind as to what this is actually all about
Is it about England and Scotland separating?
Is it a revolution against the toffs – against those who speak posh - who may or may not be English -but who have always been at the top of the pile when those with Scottish accents were at the bottom?
Is it against the hated conservative party with all its old Eton pupils - the sons of the big estate owners who make decisions in London and are perceived to know or care nothing about Scotland?

It is interesting to note - that if Scotland does get independence - England will be Conservative for ever after. It is only the huge Labour Party vote in Scotland that prevents the Conservative party winning every time.
It is one of the points most often made by Scottish Nationalists – Why should they be governed by the Conservative party in London, when so few people in Scotland vote Conservative. It is a good point.

Could Scotland do it better if it were allowed to govern itself?

Because of this feeling the UK government in 1997 allowed Scotland to have its own devolved parliament in Edinburgh. We vote for our own members of parliament and our own first minister. At present the SNP are the majority party in power.
So Scotland now has quite a lot of powers to do things as it sees fit
It has been promised that these powers will soon increase to what everyone is calling DevoMax
 -Maximum devolution.

So why do we need independence?
We already have the best of both worlds.

I believe that Scotland is too small to survive on its own. We need our big brother down south.
We are better together

As always the main argument, for those who think, is about the economy and the pound.
If we separate - we lose the pound and the protection of the Bank of England
The best we could hope for, would be to join the EU and use the Euro
We would be divorcing England to be forced into marriage with Europe.
But it seems that the EU may not want us and we may not want the EU under the terms we may be forced to join under.
Originally the Scottish nationalists were quite keen to have the Euro but it is obvious to us here now - that Project Euro is a disaster.

For a shared currency to work, there must also be shared everything else, especially the banking system and tax and economic policies.
For the Euro to work there needs to be a proper Federation of Europe.
Britain is not keen on that and neither is Scotland because we feel that the EU and Brussels are undemocratic monsters that answer to no-one.

But the same principle applies to the pound
The Scottish nationalists would like to keep the pound after independence.
But it would not work unless there was still a sharing of the banking system and tax and economic policies.
Scotland would be in a worse position than it is now, because it would no longer have any say in those matters.
However England (big brother) would still probably have to bail Scotland out if it got into financial trouble. 
England has just realised this and – quite rightly – are not happy about it. Scotland has now been told that England will not allow it to have the pound (tied / backed up by England).   

And – The oil – Scotland’s Oil - Well it is mostly all gone. What is left is very expensive to extract.
Scotland has a small population with little industry except tourism and whisky, huge unemployment and an aging and unhealthy population
Outside Glasgow and the Central belt that population is very rural. Much is beautiful, uninhabited land that is commercially useless, with the occasional crofter trying to eke out a hand to mouth existence

But those who will vote for Independence are voting with their hearts and not with their heads. It is emotion, not thought that decides them.

They see it as the only chance they will ever get, for those at the bottom of the heap to get to the top, for the oppressed to be free of the oppressor. For Scotland to be in control of its own future and destiny and to be the way it wants to be.

Those are pretty strong stirring emotions – I feel them too
You cannot let your heart rule your head.

Monday 24 February 2014

Censored in Russia and China

It is possible for me see how many times my blogs are read,
I can also see in which countries they are read.

It is rather a nerdy, fun thing to do - to occasionally study these things.

I was interested to see that I had a regular following of readers in Russia and in China.

However -
I recently posted a blog with the word "homosexuality" in the title.

Immediately I lost my blog readers in Russia and China  - and they have not returned.

Me-thinks that the word homosexuality has triggered censorship of my blog .
I have been blocked by the communists.
Gosh - I feel very dangerous.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Iron and Magnesium for oldies

It seems that us oldies need to make sure we eat enough Iron and Magnesium in our diets.
Research reported this week says that -

Lack of Iron is a risk for stroke
Magnesium  protects against hip fractures

Iron deficiency raises the risk of stroke because it makes the blood stickier
(Dr Claire Shovlin, Imperial College London).
She recommends supplements in those at high risk (who have a rare blood disease that makes it worse).

Magnesium was found to protect against hip fracture, whereas Calcium made no difference
(Science Journal  -BONE, Norway)
Here the recommendation is  - that the effect is so pronounced - that dolomite (rich in magnesium) should be added to the water supply.

Hmm - that one may be worth watching.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Diet in Pregnancy

Latest research is finding that what you eat when you are pregnant will not affect your baby but it will affect your grandchild. 
(Dr Christopher Kuzawa, Chigago).

Contrary to popular belief, calorie intake during pregnancy has little impact on the size of the baby at birth.
What does seem to affect the baby is what Mum got when she was in the uterus and when she was an infant. i.e. what Granny ate in pregnancy and what Granny fed Mum in infancy.

I find this interesting and annoying.

Being now at the pensioner stage of life I am soon to be a grandmother.
When I was at the mother stage I went through all the trauma and guilt -worrying about everything I ate and how it would affect my children.

Now - I thought smugly - it is the turn of my children to go through that.
Not at all - it seems the guilt is all back with me again. 

It is interesting because it is adding to the information becoming available, about the importance of what goes on in the uterus and in early infancy. 

If a pregnant mother is living in a time of famine and she is starving, this information is transmitted to the baby in her womb and that baby becomes genetically programmed to be careful of nutrients. To be careful about how much is passed to a future baby during pregnancy.

If a pregnant mother is living in a time of plentiful food and she eats well - this information is transmitted to her baby and it becomes genetically programmed to be more generous about nutrients passing to a future baby during pregnancy.

The womb with its placenta and fluid is an amazingly clever incubator which responds to external and internal factors affecting Mum. It also responds to factors to do with that particular baby. This all causes a genetic response in that baby.  Some genes are turned on and others switched off.
How clever is that.

I suppose the message to give today’s pregnant mothers is – be careful what you eat or your grandchildren will one day turn round and say -it is all your fault

Wednesday 19 February 2014

My bath problem

I stopped having regular baths many years ago. In today's world, where time is of the essence - a quick shower beats a bath hands down.

However our northern croft house does not have a shower - it has a huge old enamel bath that was installed in about 1965, when the house first had running water put in. Before that, great Uncle Willy used a tin tub in front of the fire and an outside loo.

When we first arrive here it is always too cold for a bath. It is too cold to even get undressed for bed.
However after a couple of days the heating warms the place up a bit and the open fires drive off some of the damp and a bath becomes a possibility.

There is first the torture of undressing in a still cold room.
And then the bliss -
As I sink into it the water - the heat flows into me - wonderful.

I remember how soothing that heat is for my poor sore ancient knees.
I am still sitting and my top half is freezing.
So down I slide

Ah - the bliss of the heat around my sore old shoulders.
Further down again -
ah - the extreme bliss of the heat around my sore old  neck.

But - Oh Dear -
My knees have popped out of the water - and they are getting very cold.
So -
I raise my neck and torso  - and my knees go under again - but  now my neck and shoulders are freezing.

And thus I spend my time - see sawing  -between knee and neck  - and neck and knee.

This is a problem?

Mind you it pales into insignificance compared to the difficulty of kneeling on dodgy old knees in order to soap the nether regions.

Then there is the real killer -
Getting out of the bath!
Dodgy knees protest and don't behave as ordered.
Dodgy shoulders don't like being used as a hauling-out mechanism.
Everything is slippy.
It seems such a huge impossible climb between horizontal and vertical with no power anywhere that seems to function as it once did

Yes - baths are a problem.

Monday 17 February 2014

Bill Gates is my hero

I am old enough to remember the time before Microsoft became King.
The time when all computers were different and all the parts were different and nothing agreed with anything else and it was all most inconvenient.

Then Bill Gates and his Microsoft won the battle and we all heaved a sigh of relief
Suddenly most things to do with computers all agreed with each other and very rapidly got cheaper and cheaper - happy days

And of course Mr Gates made a shed load of money.
But that is not why he is my hero

He is my hero because of what he is doing with that money.

He really is using it to improve the lives of people - mainly the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world.
His foundation have set out to cure and  eradicate the health issues that kill or maim more people than anything else in the world.
The main one is malaria
I read yesterday that he is also trying to "fix" elephantiasis.

This is a horrible illness transmitted by the same type of mosquito that transmits malaria.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the UK and US government and Glaxo, are starting a program whereby 500 million people in affected parts of India will be given a pill  -every year  -for 7 years - which will prevent this  terrible  illness.

WOW - He is my HERO

Sunday 16 February 2014

A gene for homosexuality

Recent research has confirmed the previous findings in the 1990's, that an area on the X chromosome - known memorably as Xq28 - is the one associated with homosexuality.

In a study of brothers - in families where one brother was gay - this area  Xq28  - was more likely to be shared by gay brothers than by heterosexual brothers.

However - as with so many things that we discover to be genetic - it is not just a case of having that area Xq28  - it is also necessary to have something else.

Nature and Nurture

The findings suggest that -
30 to 40% of it is Nature -the baby having that gene area
The rest - the other -
60 to 70% is Nurture - most probably the fluid in the womb where the baby grows for 9 months.

The contents (chemicals and hormones) of that womb fluid vary from woman to woman and will be different for every baby that she has. It can be influenced by factors that the outside world have on her and it can be influenced by that particular baby in the uterus, and the effect it has on her.

I find this all quite fascinating

As mothers  -we agonise over the effects that our mothering may have on our child. However - in reality - the main effect is happening before birth - in the 9 months in utero - inside us. We may think we can make this safe by stopping all the evils such as smoking drinking and taking drugs, but most factors are quite outside our control. We think we can control Nurture - but we can't.

Perhaps a time will come when the newly fertilised human egg will be grown in an artificial womb. But I think that is a long way off. More and more  - for good things and bad -we are discovering that genetics requires the specific gene area and the specific dynamic environment in the womb.

It also makes one wonder about surrogate mothers - who hire out their wombs. It may be an egg from the couple renting the womb but it is the nurturing in the surrogate womb which will be responsible for so many of the genes which will be activated or not.

But - back to homosexuality. Why would nature allow a gene area for homosexuality to carry on in society. According to Darwin and his natural selection it should have disappeared - assuming that most homosexuals don't have children.

This is very interesting
It seems that mothers of homosexuals (who have the X chromosome with area Xq28) are more fertile than other woman. So although they produce the occasional homosexual child  - they have more children overall.
Nature likes that.

Saturday 15 February 2014

My own wee cynical theory

All the main political parties in the UK have rejected the SNP's plan to share the pound with an independent Scotland. This is fighting stuff and it has really scuppered Mr Salmond

Now here is my own wee theory

Mr Salmond is a very clever man and a very clever politician. He has realised for a long time that a truly independent Scotland would be a bad thing for Scotland, and although he still campaigns for it - he doesn't actually want it.
His party have achieved a huge amount. We now have our own devolved government in Scotland with more powers than even he has got round to using.
We have the best of both worlds - control over much of what matters to us - whilst still being  part of the UK.

The SNP were voted into power as a result of the Scottish people's dislike of all the other parties - a huge protest vote. It was not because the Scottish people wanted independence.

David Cameron thought that by allowing (almost pushing) the SNP to have a referendum they would expose them and shut them up.
I dont' believe that anyone at that point, thought for half a second, that there was a remote possibility of them winning - including Alex Salmond himself.

But things have changed and the latest polls are showing that the SNP hold 40% of the vote of those who have definitely made up their minds. ie 40% will definitely vote for independence in September and a large number are still undecided

This has caused panic in the UK Parliament and in Mr Salmond.

So - Mr Carney - the Canadian Governor of The Bank of England - had a private meeting with Mr Salmond.
Could they possibly have discussed -
"How to prevent independence whilst allowing Mr Salmond and the SNP  to save face"?
If they did - then it may have been achieved by what has followed.

Not being allowed to share the pound with the UK after independence - should stop Scots voting for independence  - as clearly the alternatives are not attractive economically or politically.

Mr Salmond and the SNP can blame it all on the English bully boys and save face.

My worry is that Scots think and vote with their emotions - without any use of logic - and the plan may backfire.

Friday 14 February 2014

Abnormal handwriting positions

We were watching a Victorian period drama on the telly and the camera zoomed in on the heroine writing a letter. Shock horror - She was not holding her pen properly. Every educated Victorian had beautiful copper plate writing and would never have got away with holding the pen or pencil in any other than the proper way.

Towards the end of my working medical life I specialised in children with difficulties such as Dyslexia and  Dyspraxia. It seemed that an inability to hold the pencil properly went along with the problem in many of this group of children and in all of the group with Dysgraphia  - despite adequate teaching.

It now seems that there is no teaching. Teachers do not pay attention to how the child is holding the pencil. It is perhaps considered unimportant to a child growing up in a world where writing is a dying art and the computer is king
Fair enough
But -
What if that child wants to become a surgeon a dentist or an artist? To do something that requires finely controlled manual dexterity.

To draw - the pencil has to be held in a proper (tripod) position for control and pointing.
If the pencil is gripped in a stabbing position - it is very hard to control pressure and direction and achieve any form of precision.
I suppose that with modern art  -it is not a problem

Saturday 8 February 2014

English Times newspaper different to Scottish

I admit it - I am a Times reader
We tried several Scottish papers and found them all sadly lacking.

Recently I decided to take up the "3 month half price" offer to the digital Times along side the paper version.
The interesting thing I have discovered from this  is that -
-what I read in my Times in Scotland, is different to what I read in my digital version. And the digital version is - I presume - the English version

In one respect I am in favour of this.
But I have become aware of a negative aspect.

It is good for Scots to hear news relevant to Scotland and for the English to hear news relevant to England
But - at this critical time for the UK - when its very existence is threatened by Scottish independence- the English need to know what is going on in Scotland
Because if Scotland separates from England, it will affect England and Wales and Northern Ireland-the RUK
As David Cameron said yesterday - they will be diminished.
They will be diminished in status and also diminished economically

Up here - in Scotland - we are hearing from top UK and World economists how it will hurt England (and Scotland) economically / financially for all sorts of reasons.

Dividing up the state pension pot is one example.
Pensions in general are a problem as companies will have to make provision for 2 separate countries with (by EU law) big enough pension pots in both countries.
The SNP say they want to keep the pound. This would not be in England's best interests. Are the English being told this?
Etc Etc - all stuff that will affect England (the RUK) and which should be reported in England

What can the English (the RUK)  do about this crazy SNP push for separation
Sadly - nothing really - but at least they should know

We noticed this problem on Wednesday February 5th
We went through the paper that day and found  17 articles in our Scottish paper that were not in the English/Digital  version

Front page
I'm backing Britain says boss of oil giant
Kiss for groom as gay marriage legalised
Page 2
Labour reform on union cash delayed for 5 years
Fracking bounties may be raised
Page 4
Not just a social gain but a clearer symbol of a progressive nation
Scotland legalises gay marriage
Page 6
Detective chase dentist for £750,000 as TV inquiry claims NHS fraud is costing hundreds of millions
Doctors urge Scots to stay fit and keep cancer free
Page 7
Clouds and gales have a silver lining for treasure hunters
Page 8
MacAskill's rethink on corroboration fails to impress senior legal minds
£50m deal to cover benefit cut
Page 16
Widower loses fight to bring up daughter
Page 18
Hollow promise of free care for elderly
Page 19
Dimmer switch may lead to better painkiller
Scottish homes sell faster and for more
Page 21
GM mosquito is latest weapon in battle against killer disease
Page 22
Business for Scotland dismisses debate on independent economy

Friday 7 February 2014

Overpaid boss of Charity

The boss of Save the Children earns £234,000 a year

This is quite disgusting
Apparently another 20 employees earn over £100,000

Save the Children is one of the charities that we donate to
We usually give about £20

According to my calculator it would need 11,700 people like us to donate £20 each just to pay the bosses salary
It would need another 100,000 people like us to pay the salary for the other 20 high earning employees

And that is before a penny goes to a child that needs help.

Well  - they are not getting anymore from me until I hear that those Fat Cat salaries are more in line with normal
 - say with teachers
Teachers also work with children and my goodness they have a difficult and responsible job. 

A Head teacher gets from £42,000 to £106,000
A leading practitioner (teacher gets from £37,000- 57,000)
Average teacher pay is from £21,000 to £31,000

The average annual UK wage is from approx £20,000 to £50,000 depending on number of years worked.

How do these Fat Cats sleep at night taking donations from UK citizens whose salary is only fraction of their own .
I seem to remember a saying - Charity Starts at Home.
I would like to see these Fat Cats donate back all that they have earned except for a small and reasonable amount

I wonder if all other charities are the same?


Wednesday 5 February 2014

Edinburgh top for children with sexual diseases

I knew that during the swinging sixties and seventies, the Lothian area (which includes Edinburgh) was the drug capital of  Scotland.

I read that it is now the 'sexually transmitted infections' STI capital in children under 16 - what we used to call VD (venereal disease) back then.

More than 400 under-16s a year in Scotland are being diagnosed with STI's, with the highest level in Lothian
The majority of those diagnosed were aged 15
About a quarter  were aged 14
Lothian and Lanarkshire reported cases of chlamydia in 12 year olds
Greater Glasgow and Clyde reported syphilis and gonorrhea in 13 year olds.

Now I know that I am a boring old pensioner - but I am shocked by this. These are young children
This is Edinburgh!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

I worry for Scotland

Life is getting nastier in Scotland and it will get much nastier.

Gordon Brown (ex prime minister of the UK and MP for Fife) has felt the need to intervene in Fife to protect a school girl from anti English bullying.

The girls mother is from England but the girl has lived in Scotland since she was 10 months old.
Her mother says that she is pro-union but would be frightened to put a pro-union sticker in her window.
So would I!

This is what can so easily happen when you get a small  but vocal and aggressive minority  - as is the case with those that want separation from England.
It is the same with any extremist group
The majority of Muslims in the UK are peace loving wonderful people. But the extremist factions in their midst make life nasty for all. As do extreme right wing groups such as the National Front.

The majority of Scots have been and are perfectly happy for the UK to remain as it is - especially since devolution has given us a much bigger say in what is important to us. But there is this extreme minority who believe - that what they lack in reasonable argument - can be made up for in loud and aggressive, unpleasant behaviour. They are bullies.

One can see it in action at public debates, such as the one recently held in Greenock. I am sure that the BBC (who try to be fair) had an audience with balanced views, but the loud, aggressive, vocal minority, frightened the majority into silence.

This is what happens - the quiet majority are silenced through fear

This also happens with issues about Muslims - everyone is frightened of their extremists - and so they get what they want. They win, when our media are too afraid to publish the "Jesus and Mo" cartoons

As we get nearer to the vote on independence in Scotland, it is going to get worse. Things are going to be said and done that are going to cause more polarisation and hatred. Communities and even families will be split.

Whatever way the vote goes  - this polarisation and hatred will remain
It is not nice and it is very sad.
I really worry for my beloved Scotland.