Tuesday 4 February 2014

I worry for Scotland

Life is getting nastier in Scotland and it will get much nastier.

Gordon Brown (ex prime minister of the UK and MP for Fife) has felt the need to intervene in Fife to protect a school girl from anti English bullying.

The girls mother is from England but the girl has lived in Scotland since she was 10 months old.
Her mother says that she is pro-union but would be frightened to put a pro-union sticker in her window.
So would I!

This is what can so easily happen when you get a small  but vocal and aggressive minority  - as is the case with those that want separation from England.
It is the same with any extremist group
The majority of Muslims in the UK are peace loving wonderful people. But the extremist factions in their midst make life nasty for all. As do extreme right wing groups such as the National Front.

The majority of Scots have been and are perfectly happy for the UK to remain as it is - especially since devolution has given us a much bigger say in what is important to us. But there is this extreme minority who believe - that what they lack in reasonable argument - can be made up for in loud and aggressive, unpleasant behaviour. They are bullies.

One can see it in action at public debates, such as the one recently held in Greenock. I am sure that the BBC (who try to be fair) had an audience with balanced views, but the loud, aggressive, vocal minority, frightened the majority into silence.

This is what happens - the quiet majority are silenced through fear

This also happens with issues about Muslims - everyone is frightened of their extremists - and so they get what they want. They win, when our media are too afraid to publish the "Jesus and Mo" cartoons

As we get nearer to the vote on independence in Scotland, it is going to get worse. Things are going to be said and done that are going to cause more polarisation and hatred. Communities and even families will be split.

Whatever way the vote goes  - this polarisation and hatred will remain
It is not nice and it is very sad.
I really worry for my beloved Scotland.

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