Monday 15 July 2013

To garden - or not - that is the question.

I am not sure that I really "get" gardening. I am constantly amazed by those around me who appear to achieve near total fulfillment by a near total involvement. Most daylight hour of most days, they are to be found bent over - tending their gardens. Their huge pride and pleasure in the result is quite obvious.

I can sort of understand the thrill of planting something and watching it grow. However - the amount of ongoing physical labour required definitely puts me off - in a big way. Perhaps I am just very lazy? For me a garden is a place to go and relax in a very motionless way and admire nature. I have observed that gardeners can never sit still in their gardens. They always see something that needs doing.

It is possible for a lazy gardener, with little pride, to arrange things so that only an occasional  mow of the grass is necessary. What a hateful job that is. I hate doing anything that has to be done again in what seems like just seconds later - like hoovering. Why does grass have to grow so quickly.

Perhaps I should change my attitude and view the growth of grass as something wonderful brought on by rain, that we are so lucky to have, unlike countries with drought issues.

Our grass here at the moment is about knee height. It possibly could be defined as hay. The sort of hay that a non-pensioner might go and have a roll in with someone.  A farmer would covet it for his animals.

However it looks quite beautiful. It is our own beautiful meadow - untouched by all the horrible insecticides and weedkillers that farmers use - it is a mass of wonderful wild flowers and butterflies. It is so beautiful I can't bear to cut it. And that is the best excuse for not getting out the strimmer that I have ever thought of.
It is my kind of garden and gardening.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who dislikes gardening; I like jobs that are done once and don't have to be done again for a while. But I can weed the garden one day, and I go out there the next day and they're all back again!
    Grass isn't too bad, at least it only needs doing about once a week, unfortunately my lawn isn't big enough for a ride on mower.
    Gardens are for sitting in, not working in.
