Thursday 8 August 2013

Embarrassed by my fellow Scots

Last night we went to to see a well known English comedian at The Edinburgh Festival.
It began at 7.30 pm and there was a performance of something else before it. Hence we all had to queue outside until the venue had emptied. This is the standard Edinburgh Festival routine where event follows event with minimal change over time and to my  mind always demonstrates remarkable good natured  crowd management,
 Behind us in said queue where a bunch of drunken Scots with, it would appear, minimal intelligence and education. Listening to them was a comedy show in itself. One subject they roamed onto was Scottish Independence. Oh Dear - to think that people like that will be voting on Independence is frightening.
We then all entered the hall and the comedian - Milton Jones - was being most amusing and entertaining us all well. At one point he tried for a bit of audience participation by asking what we were all doing afterwards. A drunken women four along from us shouted out the name of a night club.

"What was that " he said
She repeated the name and then added


I was shocked and horrified and wanted to shout out

"Ignore that - she is drunk - and
"That is not how us Scots think of you"
although Scottish, I speak educated (Queens) English which is perceived by the average uneducated person in Scotland as meaning that I am either posh or English  (I am neither). However, saying what I wanted to say would have caused a riot.
So I shall say it now.

English people - we do not think you are wankers - such a horrible term.
It is only the wankers in Scotland who would think such a thing. Sadly, they are a very loud minority especially when drunk - which is often.
To Milton Jones and all other English people in that audience- on behalf of the quiet majority of the Scottish people - I apologise

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