Thursday 1 August 2013

To take Statins - or not

My fellow doctors like nothing better than to get all us patients taking Statins once we get older. They have been instructed to do so by higher powers and get brownie points for it and therefore try quite hard.
Well my husband and I - both retired doctors - think it is a bad idea.

Statins  reduce your blood  cholesterol levels and therefore reduce risk of cardiovascular disease or that is the theory. It perhaps is good treatment for someone who is at high risk - with several risk factors such as -
a family history of cardiovascular problems,
a smoker,
a boozer,
a couch potatoe
an unhealthy diet full of fried stuff and crisps and pies

But for those of us who are not high risk  -NO - not a good idea
Statins are nasty particularly for elderly people. They have horrible side effects and they have now shown that they cause diabetes.
Statins give people leg cramps. I know people who have suffered terrible leg cramps when on Statins
Statins reduce muscle mass in the elderly increasing the chance of a fall
Statins block T-cell recognition causing an increased risk of infection such as pneumonia
Statins cause depression in half the elderly people who take them. I know of one older lady with a horrible depression - on Statins - who refuses to mention it to her GP. She is of the age group who feel that depression is something shameful, that should be coped with on ones own and certainly not something to bother the busy young doctor about. Her prescription is given to her by the nurse who works to a protocol - I suspect without adequate medical knowledge.
Here is my cynical definition of medical protocols -
Protocols are designed to allow the less well informed to carry out the task of those with more knowledge and intelligence.
Statins cause diabetes. This has been shown in  new research. It may just be that it hastens the onset of diabetes in someone who was going to get it anyway  - whatever - you still get it.
No study has ever shown a statistically significant benefit in reduction of death by taking Statins

So -  I would not take Statins  - unless I was at very high risk of cardiovascular illness

1 comment:

  1. The problem with going to the doctor these days is that one is unsure whether one is being given pills because one needs them, or because the doctor is getting a bonus for conforming to some government policy. Fortunately, I don't need Statins, but my new GP insists that I take pills for my high blood pressure, whereas my recently retired GP said that my blood pressure was a little on the high side, but nothing to worry about. Who should I believe?
    Because of the way medicine has been politicised, less people seem to be trusting their doctors and now carry out their own research on the internet before before deciding whether to follow their doctor's instructions. Certainly the trust that was there in my younger days no longer exists.
