Thursday 7 March 2013

Genetic tests - a scam

Ah well – I was taken in – I always am. At least I had not sent off any money.
An excellent article by the real Genetic Professionals reveals the truth.
Genetic testing - "to see from whence one came" - is little better than fortune telling or horoscopes.
The commercial companies doing it are using science designed for populations, not individuals. The writer of the article suggests that they find out what you want to hear and interpret the findings to fit (in the same way as a fortune teller).
This is the article
It says several interesting things.
We all have 4 grandparents and 8 great grandparents - the number doubles with each generation.
So 10 generations (200-300 years) back we each have 1,000 and so on. You don’t have to go too far back before we have more ancestors than we have DNA. In other words  - we have some ancestors from whom we have inherited no DNA – they are too distant.
Via the male Y-DNA everyone today shares an ancestor who lived 240,000 and 580,000 years ago
Via the female Mt-DNA, everyone today shares an ancestor who lived between 160,000 and 200,000 years ago
Via the Autosomal-DNA everyone today shares an ancestor who lived about 1 million years ago.
If you look for the most recent person that everyone alive today is descended from - you only have to go back 3,500 years.
Having quickly Googled -“World time line” and taken 2013 away from 3,500 - I reckon that means approximately 1,500 BC
 So I have come up with the below-
40,000 BC -   Homo Sapiens arrived in Europe
24,000 BC -   The start of the ice age over Britain (in which nothing could have lived)
12,000 BC -   The Ice age receded and man began to go back to Britain
2400 BC -     Stonehenge was being built
2000 BC -     Start of Bronze Age in Britain
1500 BC   -   Oldest Common ancestor of everyone alive today
1185 BC -     The Trojan war
1100 BC -     Chinese invented gunpowder
800 BC   -      Start of Iron Age in Britain
725 BC   -      Homer
390 BC -       Socrates
275 BC   -     Celts in Britain
0            -      Jesus was born
29 AD   -       Pompeii obliterated when Vesuvius erupted
43 AD   -       Roman Britain
685 AD -       Pictish Scotland
793 AD -      Viking Britain

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