Monday 1 April 2013

Prostate Cancer genetic markers found

Men the world over should rejoice at the medical news this week.  Genetic markers have been found connected to the nasty kind of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer can almost be divided into two types
1. A friendly, very slow growing variety in which a man will probably die old of something quite different.
2. A very nasty, very fast growing variety which will kill a man off within 10 years or less.
Both types can be picked up by a simple screening blood test called a PSA.
The trouble is that it does not tell you which type it is.
So the poor man has to have a biopsy of the prostate which is done by sticking biopsy needles into it via the inside of his bum (anus/rectum).
If by chance a patch of cancer is picked up by one of the needles it can be looked at under a microscope and some idea of how nasty the type is ascertained.
If really nasty then treatment choice is easy - removal.
What to do -
if nothing is picked up by any of the needles???
if the PSA keeps getting worse???
What to do
No man wants to needlessly have his prostate obliterated by surgery or radiotherapy. It can have annoying affects on his ability to pee and poo and on his sex life.
Up until now you had to treat 12 to 48 men unnecessarily in order to save the life of one man
However - NOW - the great news
A simple £30 DNA blood test (on the NHS) can give the answer
Well it will do in about 5 years when they have it finally sorted.
They have tested lots of men with and without cancer and pinned down specific genetic markers . If a man has those then he is at very high risk of having nasty prostate cancer and once his PSA starts going up he needs his prostate obliterated.
Men that don't have those genetic markers can relax and stop worrying.
A statement issued said
"Take a room of 100 men. At the moment if I did a test of them all, I could split them into two thirds with a low risk and one third with a high risk. With this new test though I can pick out the one man in 100 with 4.7 times risk
There have been similar findings for breast cancer in women and also for ovarian cancer
It is also great news for children of parents with any of those cancers because they will be able to check out whether they need worry about themselves
Genetics is wonderful

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