Monday 22 April 2013

Scottish Nationalist confusion

Are the SNP confused or are they just trying to confuse us?
The SNP (Scottish nationalist party) are the party in power at present in Scotland’s devolved parliament.
They want Scotland to be an Independent Scotland and to this end have organised a vote in 2014 on independence.
But - there is a huge fudge going on.
They say -
Look at us, we are amazing.
Already we have made lots of things free.
Free dental care
Free prescriptions
Free care of the elderly in their homes
Free travel over the Forth Road Bridge
They also say
If you vote for independence
We will make more things free
Such as -
All childcare.
All this free stuff is not something that happens or doesn't happen with or without independence.
It is policy carried out by whichever political party is in power at that time.
OK -The SNP is in power right now and it is their policy (mostly funded by England)
They might not be in power after the next election. After the election it is quite likely that labour will be the main party in Scotland. They will then carry out whatever their labour policies are.
Labour’s leader - a splendid feisty lady called Lamont or as we call her - Daphne Broon - is challenging the SNP’s desire that everything should be free. 
It is a great and good desire to have, she agrees, but how will it be paid for?
Good question.
It is an especially good question to ask if Scotland does become independent when all serious economic experts forecast that Scotland will have less money and will need to raise income tax a lot, just to maintain the status quo.
So Mr Salmond - you need to have 2 separate plans to lay before us
1. What exactly Scotland’s position will be if independence happens – this should be the same for all parties
2. What the SNP’s policy is if it wins the next election.
They are 2 quite different things please stop trying to confuse us  - assuming you are not confused yourself

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