Saturday 21 September 2013

Brain altered to remove fear

Now here is an interesting thing.
Suppose it was possible to completely remove our fear of something very very dangerous. Say a hungry lion or a venomous snake or a ticking bomb or a madman with a knife.
It would be a disaster  - for us!
Suppose an evil dictator like Hitler could develop a means to alter our brains that removed our fear of him?
There would be no conflict - we would voluntarily walk into his gas chambers.

This is what happens with an amazingly clever parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
This little parasite can only reproduce in a cat. It is excreted by the cat in its faeces, but to reproduce it has to get back into a cat again. So it needs the cat to eat an infected mouse. It makes this very easy for the cat by altering the brain of that mouse, so that the mouse loses all fear of the cat.
The mouse voluntarily walks into the gas chamber -so to speak.

The researchers found that the effect- the lack of fear of the cat -  remained even after the mouse has been cured of the parasite infection.

If we could harness this ability for good causes, it would be very useful for all those with paralysing phobias.
But it could be a horrifying weapon if harnessed for evil

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