Saturday 28 September 2013

Wolves eat sheep

There are mutterings about re-introducing wolves to Scotland.
The logic seems to be this -
1. Wouldn't it be nice if Scotland had all the same flora and fauna as it had thousands of years ago.
2. Wolves would eat deer. There are too many deer and they eat young trees.

Well - I would like to say something to these crazy people.
If a wolf is on a lonely Scottish Highland hillside (such as where our little croft house is) he will have the choice of lots of fat, stupid, slow, tame sheep or the very occasional, wild, highly nervous, fast-running deer.
I know which I would go for and wolves are not stupid

In northern Portugal and Greece wolves primarily or almost exclusivley feed on livestock.

In Greece farmers are paid more than £1 million in compensation for
32,000 sheep and goats
2,000 cattle
2,000 horses and donkeys
which are killed by wolves - each year!

My neighbouring crofters struggle to survive on the income from the sale of their lambs -. Every lamb counts - they cannot afford to lose any (see Blog- lamb sale 27/9/2013)

If there are too many deer and they eat young trees - then do, as has always been done -
Put deer fencing around plantations of new trees and cull the deer.

Duh - stupid!

Someone has contacted  me suggesting that wolves be introduced to our towns and cities.
I don't think Mr Fox would like that.
However - It is an interesting thought.
Would Mr Wolf get rid of Mr Fox 
or would they team up to make a terrifying pack of human baby eaters?

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