Sunday 1 September 2013

Childrens's bath time

I read a sentence in the paper which made me pause for thought

" One third of parents have to bribe their child to get them in the bath"

I had to re-read this a few times to make sure I had it right.

When I was a child - bath time was huge fun - we all loved it.

My three children all loved bath time. All those bath toys - yellow plastic ducks, boats, water wheels, sieves etc.  I remember occasional  difficulties getting them out of the bath because it was all such fun.

I have never met a child that did not love bath time
I do remember hair washing being a bit tricky with one of my children (who disliked water getting in his eyes). However it was a stage that soon passed..

So why do a third of modern day children so hate bath time that they have to be bribed?
What has happened?

1 comment:

  1. My wife was getting ready to put our nearly five year old grandson to bed, and said something like "The sun's gone to bed, so it's time for you to go as well"
    The response
    "Grandma, hasn't anyone ever told you - The sun doesn't go to bed, it goes to Australia".
    That put Grandma firmly in her place!
