Monday 21 October 2013

If we divorce England - we will have to marry Europe

If Scotland divorces England then it will have to marry Europe - if they will have us!

Scotland needs to be married to someone. It is way too small on it's own.

We would be divorcing from a very long marriage which has benefited us all (Wales and Ireland as well)

Yes - we all grumble a bit - like all old couples who have been married a long time
the thought of marrying the EU is terrifying.

We would lose all our spouse's heritage. Granny and Grandpa  from that side of the family (England, Ireland and Wales) would be cast off and not available any longer for babysitting or loans.

Instead we would have to embrace the heritage and relations of a new and very different spouse (the EU and Berlusconi) - not easy when you have been married for such a long time - you get set in your ways.
It will all seem a bit foreign and not what we are used to.

If we thought that our last spouse was a wee bitty too domineering - we will find that our new spouse is totally dominant.

If we thought that our last spouse sometimes didn't  listen to anything we said - we will find that our new spouse doesn't listen at all.

If we thought that our last spouse didn't let us govern in a way that was beneficial for Scotland - we will find that in the Euro the  rate of exchange will make us weaker and Germany ever stronger and we will be powerless.

Married to England we could vote and get changes - but in marriage to the EU there is no democracy.

I suspect that I would quickly long for the way it was. I would want my old, familiar, long suffering spouse back - with the parents-in -law and all the old stories that used to get so boring with constant repetition. I would be prepared to put up with the annoying habits - such as the snoring.

I would want it all back to how it was. I now realise I was quite happy with how it was - and - like most Scots - I really don't like change.

But is it too late?

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