Sunday 20 October 2013

New male cancer - of the throat

Throat cancer has always existed - but mostly caused by smoking.
Now there is a very frightening new throat cancer.

Frightening because it affects young men as well as  middle aged and old men.
and frightening because it is a fast growing epidemic

It is caused by the HPV virus.

HPV is the herpes virus - the same one that causes cancer of the cervix in women.
For some reason  - in men - it causes cancer of the throat, tonsils and base of the tongue.

Is it sexually transmitted?

Well - yes - in so far as someone who has never had sex (either oral or otherwise) will never have been exposed to the HPV virus. It is generally assumed that by about the age of 20 most people will have had exposure and will be HPV positive.
Some people will have a particular genetic make-up, that then causes the cancer to grow.

If caught early, in most cases, the cancer responds well to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
The difficulty is catching it early. There are no tests like cervical screening for cervix cancer or PSA testing for prostate cancer.
Because it is occurring deep inside the throat/neck there are no early symptoms or signs.

A young man I know, recently developed a lump - like a big gland - under his jaw. Everyone thought it was just a cyst until he got into hospital. There, the surgical team immediately knew what it was. They are seeing so many cases, that treating them is becoming a factory process.

This young man had immediate radiotherapy and chemotherapy which did not work. Radical surgery was then needed, leaving him with a scar from his ear down to his chest and the inability to lift his arm on that side due to nerve damage.

 However he will recover from that surgery just in time for his wedding - next week.

Do spread the message to all men - that any lumps in the neck or any other symptoms must be checked out.
Be aware that many doctors and nurses outside hospital have not yet heard of this problem.

All young girls are now vaccinated against HPV before they reach the age of sexual activity. This prevents cancer of the cervix
So -
Why are boys not also being vaccinated to prevent this horrible cancer?

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