Friday 25 October 2013

Male sell by date

I am in mourning. The tup has gone - gone to that great place in the sky where non prime meat is processed into unmentionable things.
The poor old chap was past his prime, past his useful life - and had to go.
He was no longer considered suitable for frolicking with the ladies and passing on his genes to the next generation

I wasn't quite brave enough to ask neighbouring crofter, whether this meant that he was no longer capable, or that his sperm were no longer capable - I mean the tup- not the crofter.

I don't think life was always easy for him.
I remember one year - when the snow was so deep - that  he couldn't get his essential bits above the snow level to do what was expected of him. Poor fellow - just imagine - his dangly bits must have been deep frozen.

I remember well the day he arrived - it seems like yesterday. I met neighbouring crofter in his car, towing the trailer. We all stopped in the middle of the road - which is the way of things up here- and  he was shown off to me with such pride. I seem to remember he had an exotic name such as Maclennan of Achiltibuie.
Poor old Mac - so much was expected of you - and now you are gone.

Neighbouring crofter said that six years was quite enough for a ram - after that you are better with a new one.
Imagine if we took the same attitude!

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