Wednesday 2 October 2013

Pride in my Irish Great Grandfather

I have been researching my Irish great Grandfather.
He was from Holywood, County Down - near Belfast  - which nowadays is in Northern Ireland.

What I am finding makes me proud of him.

He obviously was a firm believer in trying to get all the religious factions to come together in peace.

He did this through close involvement with Sullivan Schools - started in his time - 1877,
These provided an education for children of all faiths in the one school.
Religion was not taught in school.
There was a heavy scientific influence.

He was trying to do this in 1877!

Once, back in the late 1970's, when we were travelling through New Zealand, we spent time with a couple from Northern Ireland. We talked  long into the night about the problems there.

They were quite emphatic about what needed to be done.
They said
"There will be no lasting peace in Ireland until segregated schooling is abolished.

Catholics and Protestants must be taught sitting side by side"

I think this applies to all the UK.
Segregated schooling should be banned - it is divisive.
Faith schools should be banned unless they can be made to take a properly balanced intake of children to represent all the different faiths in the community.

If you go to school with someone - you realise that they are the same as you - even if they are a different religion or their skin a different colour.

Two of the most divisive issues in UK society at present are
1. Muslim versus non-muslim
2. Rich/posh versus poor

The first will respond and does respond well to children all attending the same school together.
The second is - if not caused by - then hugely exacerbated by, segregated private schooling for the rich and posh.

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